FRIGORIFERI ITALIANI srl - Magazzini di Milano

The company is situated on an area of 10.000 sqm in the immediate area surrounding the centre of Milan, in the area of the fish and fruit and vegetable market, just 300 metres from the eastern bypass exit nr.4 Via Mecenate. The company is provided with 6.000 pallet sites in 30.000 cm of cold storage space at a controlled temperature of (+15°C/-30°C) for the storage and distribution of prepackaged goods such as:
• frozen or deep frozen meat and fish;
• fresh and chilled meat;
• fresh fruit and vegetables, also frozen or deep frozen fruit and vegetables;
• fresh confectionary products, also frozen or deep frozen confectionary products.


  • Cold warehouse 30.000 mc, controllede temperature +15°/-30°C;
  • Distribution of goods in Milan and nighbouring areas.


FRIGORIFERI of MILANO offers a range of specialised services connected to the conservation and logistics of goods, such as:

  • computerised organisation of goods in the warehouse;
  • organisation of international deliveries, logistic services global door to door;
  • transport by refrigerated trucks for the distribution of goods in Milan and surrounding areas;


The Company with its structures, its staff and its external collaborators wishes to:

  • Constantly seek out new solutions to keep up with market changes and Client growth;
  • Offer a high level of  quality service with staff, structures and equipment which are capable of guaranteeing the safety and reliability standards adequate to our task;
  • Monitor all the phases of the process in order to provide a speedy response to the requests of our clients.

Our company runs its plants in accordance with:

  • Sanitary Authorisation from the A.S.L of Milan
  • Sanitary Authorisation for Pharmaceutical Products no. 515 del 21 April 2015
  • Sanitary Authorisation from the A.S.L of Milan
  • Auto Control system HACCP.